Ons vra en beantwoord ‘n paar basiese vrae ten opsigte van die opstel van ‘n Testament.
- Q: Who should have a Will?
A: All persons of 16 years and older who own assets and is competent to understand his/her action. - V: Hoekom behoort ek ‘n Testament te hê?
A: ‘n Testament stel u in staat om erfgename volgens u keuse te benoem. Indien u sonder ‘n Testament (Intestaat) te sterwe souk om, sal u bates volgens die Wet op Intestate Erfopvolging verdeel word. Dit mag dus die gevolg hê dat persone wie u nie noodwendig as erfgename sou benoem nie, voordele by u afsterwe ontvang. - Q: Who may not sign your Will as witness?
A: A beneficiary, nominated Executor and nominated Trustee and/or their spouses. - V: Wie mag u Testament as getuie onderteken?
A: Die Testament moet in die teenwoordigheid van twee getuies geteken word wat ook in die teenwoordigheid van mekaar teken. Slegs persone 14 jaar en ouer kwalifiseer om as getuies te teken. - Q: Who do I appoint as Executor?
A: An Executor needs to collect your assets and make sure your debts are paid. You can appoint anyone to act as Executor but keep in mind that executing an Estate is a specialized field and being an Executor is a huge position of trust. - V: Wat beloop Eksekuteursvergoeding?
A: Die maksimum vergoeding waarop ‘n Eksekuteur geregtig is word deur Wetgewing vasgestel en beloop tans 3.5% van u totale bruto boedelwaarde. Eksekuteursvergoeding behoort egter onderhandel te word met die persoon wat as Eksekuteur van u Testament benoem word. - Q: Where do I store my Will?
A: Your original Will should be kept in safe storage. It is recommended to sign the Will in duplicate for separate safe-keeping. One original copy could be kept at home and the original duplicate should preferably be kept by the firm that will act as your Executor. - V: Hoe gereeld behoort ek my Testament te hersien?
A: Dit word aanbeveel dat Testamente ten minste elke 2 jaar hersien word. Dit is egter ook belangrik om die hersiening van u Testament met gebeurtenisse soos bv. ‘n huwelik, ‘n geboorte, ‘n egskeiding of die aankoop van eiendom te oorweeg.
Indien daar enige navrae is, kontak gerus vir Marius Vorster by mvorster@fhbc.co.za of vir Morné van Niekerk by morne@fhbc.co.za