Ons het aan Wellington se Rolbalbesigheidsliga deelgeneem. Ons heet nog ‘n kollega welkom. Die ABSA Cape Epic fietsresies is om die draai.

Ons het aan Wellington se Rolbalbesigheidsliga deelgeneem. Ons heet nog ‘n kollega welkom. Die ABSA Cape Epic fietsresies is om die draai.
In the dynamic landscape of financial reporting, organizations strive to maintain transparency and credibility by engaging in various forms of assurance services. Two common methods employed are audits and independent reviews. Additionally, management plays a crucial role in the compilation of financial statements, contributing to the overall reliability of financial information.
In the realm of corporate governance and financial transparency, compliance with regulations is paramount. The recent implementation of mandatory reporting obligations for beneficial ownership by all entities registered with the Business and Intellectual Property Authority (BIPA) in Namibia is a significant development in this regard.
’n Huwelik binne gemeenskap van goedere en besigheidseienaarskap behoort eksklusief tot mekaar te staan. ‘n Huwelik binne gemeenskap van goedere het risiko’s daaraan verbonde.
Die Afskopbraai was 19 Januarie by Wellington se rolbalklub. Ons het drie nuwelinge welkom geheet. Ons neem deel aan Wellington se Krieketbesigheidsliga, asook die Rolbalbesigheidsliga. Verder oefen een van ons direkteure vir die ABSA Cape Epic fietsresies, Valentynsdag was gevier en ons groet aan die einde van die maand twee kollegas.
Employment and Labour Minister Thulas Nxesi announced that the National Minimum Wage (NMW) for each ordinary hour worked will increase to R27.58 with effect from 01 March 2024.
CIPC implemented a new multi factor authentication for director amendment applications.
Navigating the intricacies of provisional income tax in South Africa can be daunting, but understanding the basics is crucial to avoid penalties and ensure smooth sailing with SARS. Our article provides a list packed with do's and don'ts.
Ons deel nog ‘n paar foto’s van ons Jaareindfunksie en ons deel foto’s van ons Kerspartytjie op 13 Desember. Ons spog met personeel se loopbaanvordering, asook met nuwelinge wat by ons aangesluit het. Die Afskopbraai was 19 Januarie en ons sien uit na die jaar wat voorlê.
Due to the amendment of The Financial Intelligence Centre Act, No. 38 of 2001, FHBC is an accountable institution and as such, FHBC is required to “FICA” its clients. We will be contacting all our clients to collect the necessary information and we do require your co-operation in this regard.
During November 2023 National Treasury released additional information relating to the new enhanced renewable energy tax incentive which is available to businesses in certain circumstances. The incentive takes the form of an enhanced capital allowance under the newly inserted section 12BA of the Income Act No.58 of 1962. This article briefly examines the most important features of the new allowance.
Moenie dat die dood of onbevoegheid u onkant betrap nie.